Tuesday, May 1, 2012


What hides behind emotions? 

The paradoxes life and the human experience bring up don’t cease to amaze me. It seems as though the more I desire something, whether beauty, wholeness, connection or
more sales, the more judgmental, emotional and depressed I get. Why? Because every desire is a statement that says I am ‘bad’ the way I am.

When we refuse to acknowledge these feelings, they seem to disappear, but really they begin to pile up and weigh heavily in the unconscious and subconscious mind. They ooze in the emotional and eventually in the physical body, causing stress, pain and illness.

Such a paradox!

When I started inquiring into the nature of my ‘badness’, there was a lot of resistance to the point where the ego often made me believe that I would die if I continued. Quite dramatic isn’t it! The ego always is; it needs to convince us. Over time, I realized that reclaiming ‘bad’ parts has brought more gifts than the most generous Santa Clause could ever do, gifts of courage, self love, self-confidence and awareness of talents I didn’t think I had. Such a paradox!

I became aware over time that I was very judgmental about feeling fearful, sad and angry, at least consciously. What I did not realize until very recently is that emotions I considered the very worst are those I pushed the furthest down into the unconscious. That is where using Émotions – Chakra Creams with the 40-day program has been most useful in coming up to terms with even those feelings. Jealousy? Me? Shame? What could I have done so wrong that I feel this bad?

Treasures down under

Not too many people like to acknowledge ‘bad’ feelings. It took courage and a good 24 hours to come to terms with that reality. I then felt such relief that I started to cry and laugh at the same time. How could that be? Was I mad? Both times, a memory surfaced, reminding of the action at the source of the feeling, then understanding came. The emotions were caused by a decision I made a very long time ago based on a misconsception. I suspect this is the case 99% of the time for everyone.

This made it easier to forgive myself. And now, I feel grateful to the people, essential oils and meditation, as well as the circumstances that brought up those emotions up in the open. I feel lighter, happier and much more self-confident than I have been since a very young age. A friend asked me a few days later if I had lost weight. Frankly, I’m sure I have.

You'll never know the treasures you hold
unless you search for them.
I now believe that debunking the myths my judgments hide in my subconscious not only brings personal wellbeing but is akin to efforts of peace-keeping agencies that remove landmines from war-torn territories.

Join the treasure hunt

The Dalai Lama recently said:
"The practice of patience guards us against losing our presence of mind. It enables us to remain undisturbed, even when the situation is really difficult. It gives us a certain amount of inner peace, which allows us some self-control, so that we can choose to respond to situations in an appropriate and compassionate manner, rather than being driven by our disturbing emotions."
Balancing your emotions with aromatherapy is a great way to startIf you feel ready to start your own treasure hunt, you can order a set of Émotions – Chakra Creams. And if you would like support, sign up for a 1-hour workshop or a 40-day course by contacting me at info@facetograce.com

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