Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Cinnamon has great disinfecting properties.
Pimples can go quickly when you apply a paste of honey and cinnamon directly on it to dry it before you go to bed. A bit sticky but fragrant and efficient. Mix a good pinch of cinnamon powder in 1/4 tsp of honey. You'll likely have some left over and it can be kept for a week or more. You have pimples every month with you moon cycle? You may wish to macerate broken pieces of
1 stick of cinnamon in 1/4 cup of honey for 6 to 8 weeks. This will go a long way.

Treat your skin to fennel and oatmeal to alleviate
the prickly discomfort.
Eczema's itchy, burning sensations will be relieved by applying a paste of oatmeal cooked in water to creamy consistency with a teaspoon of powdered fennel seed. Actually, eating this also helps and then you just need to keep a portion sufficient to cover the affected area. If the skin is quite dry, add 1 or 2 drops of neem oil. Let the mixture cool off to comfortable temperature. Apply and leave on for 11 minutes. Rinse off then spray with chamomile hydrosol. This recipe won't keep longer than 24 hours.

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