Thursday, November 17, 2011


One day this past spring Bhuvaneswari, my spiritual teacher, gave me an assignment: «Make emotions chakra creams.» That was the extent of her guidance. It took a while to get started. In retrospect, I realize I had all the knowledge, experience and tools to do it. Intuition, logic, creativity and staying grounded would do the rest.

Chakras and their needs

Chakras are energy centers in the shape of vortex of different sizes,  though not visible to the physical eye. They are considered as organs and, as such, need to be cleaned, moistened, toned and realigned back into shape. This can be done several ways, including with music, energy work, etc.

Having worked with aromatherapy and energy work for well over a decade, I started assigning several essential oils to each chakra and testing them. But energy work has it’s own logic. The chakras I drew on a human silhouette, as the canvas of my work, started eliminating most of them to keep only one per chakra.

Essential oils and chakras
The beauty of essential oils is that they are like human beings with their many qualities, attributes and ways of serving the world at various levels. They remind us of our original nature. In the end, the  ones that I kept are those that have brought me deep insights and experiences in the past, whether for myself or in working with clients. Then I used other ingredients that would help them penetrate the skin well.
The chakra set was launched during a celebration of the official birth of the Aquarian age, Nov. 11, 2011. The creams were tested by a group of 18 people, mostly long-term meditators, yoga practitioners and energy workers. Everyone applied each of the 7 creams on facial marma points associated with each chakra. Then our hosts, Bhuvanesari and Matthew, led us in a meditation, followed by a sweat lodge. During the dinner that was served afterwards, everyone was unanimous: the creams brought everyone in a state of gratefulness, one of the emotions we are made of (along with love and joy).
About emotions

Total enthusiasm
Each emotion lives in a specific chakra, with its own positive and negative attributes, as flip sides of the same coin. It is our attitudes, choices and mental judgements that give rise to them. Their qualities are determined by the perceptions we have of our experiences, most often building up over time through the veil or filter of past ones. Few people actually look at each experience with a fresh perspective of the moment. So it is helpful to remember that they are not real. And since we can detach from them and observe them, they definitely are separate from who we Are. This in turn, means that we have the power to do something about them. But how?
Recognizing the emotions and in which chakra they live
1st chakra- Muladhara or root chakra
In balance, this chakra provides a sense of safety, grounding and enthousiasm; when out of balance, we fear for our safety, or feel greed, another expression of fear.
2nd chakra – Svadishtana or creativity chakra
The watery emotions include either guilt or creativity in all its manifestations. We also find here emotions associated with fertility/sexuality issues for both men and women.
3rd chakra – Manipura or solar plexus chakra
In this chakra, the feelings of anger or self-pity live back to back with the feelings of self-confidence, courage, power, and balanced humility.
Rose is for the heart.
4th chakra – Anahata or heart chakra
Hatred and sadness are counter-balanced by love and joy in the 4th chakra. Fear also blocks the flow of love.
5th chakra – Vishudha or throat chakra
If this chakra is out of balance, self expression is hampered or twisted; when this powerful energy centre is re-aligned, the emotions of truth and balanced self-expression are restored
6th chakra – Ajna or 3rd eye
When this chakra is out of balance, confusion arises, but when in balance, we feel its neutrality of mind with its airy quality, which in turn helps keeps the emotions from moving out of balanced.
7th chakra – Sahasrara or crown chakra
The emotions associated with this chakra are feelings of separation, spiritual pride or universal love and trust in the Infinite part of ourselves, of others and of the Divine.
Dealing with emotions
Chakras on the hands and face too.
Human beings have devised many ways to cope with emotions over the centuries: denial, freezing them, holding on to them, using them for manipulation, healing them through yoga, shamanic ceremonies, prayer, confession, theatre, music, body painting, psychology, with various results. 
For the Aquarian age we are now entering, Face to Grace’ s new Émotions - Chakra Creams gather the complex powers of essential oils to challenge or balance your perceptions of reality and help you adopt ones that serve you better. This may bring challenges if you are attached to certains emotions. However, when you are ready to let go of habitual emotions that no longer are helpful, you can experience the full range of emotions in a fresh way and not be controlled by them.
There are many ways to use the creams:
Earth meets Sky

a) Completing the 40-day program included with the Émotions set will
- detoxify the chakras
- disintegrate emotions that crystalized or are stagnating in each chakra
- adjust each chakra so they all vibrate together at the same frequency
- enhance the properties of each chakra
- establish connection with the Self
- initiate your understanding of the subtle aspects of the chakra structure
Expect everlasting results
b) You will benefit from applying each cream on the corresponding chakra when you experience an emotion or to experiment with a specific emotion

c) You can also apply creams on pairs of chakras, eg. 1 and 7 to balance Earth and Sky energies
d) Applying each cream on the corresponding chakra every day for days or weeks for longer lasting results

The creams are not meant to make you emotionless but rather to free you from emotional limitations so you can live your life fully and beautifully.

For details on the product, contact The course Balancing Emotions with Aromatherapy in also available in Canada’s national capital area in January and on Skype in the spring.

1 comment:

  1. I love these chakra creams! A great addition to a spiritual practice of yoga, meditation or prayer. In my own process of awakening, I found them to be a great help in supporting the healing and expanding sensitivity of my own energy centres. They work on a very subtle but high vibrational level, and provided powerful teachings throughout the day on how certain behaviours and thought patterns were creating blockages or distortions in these centres. It is a gift to oneself, in honouring the sacredness of your body and in recognizing its wisdom when considered in reverence and simplicity.

