Your skin started to feel dryer and tighter again?
The cool breeze and chilly nights have now chased away the hot, humid summer that kept your skin and nails moist and gave more volume to your hair. Some of you may even have noticed that the skin on your hands, face and feet is already dryer than just a few weeks back. This is normal as fall, the Vata season, is dominated by the air element, which is light, cool, moving and drying. And if you have a Vata dosha, or air constitution in Ayurvedic terms, you are even more likely to feel the increased dryness. It won't be very long either before those with a Pitta constitution will also feel dryer. Those with a kapha or oily skin may not experience this at all, but if they do, they are more likely to experience it later when the winter starts settling.
Moisture, moisture, moisture for the Vata skin

While on the topic of soap, avoid washing yor face and body with astringent soaps as much as possible. Remove your makeup with oil or yogourt and rinse with warm, not hot water. If you need to clean more deeply, buy a soft herbal scrub or make one (see Recipe below). Overall, to decrease vata consider dietary, lifestyle and treatment strategies based on routine, warmth, serenity (see Practical Awakening course below) and heavier, moist nourishment.
The sensitive Pitta skin
Relief!, say most women and men when the cooler days arrive. All the symptoms of aggravated fire such as pimples, sunburn and irritations of all kinds decrease or may disappear (except maybe for those plagued hay fever, see Nasya below for help). However, sensitive you are and sensitive you remain when the wind blows on your fire, removing the calming moisture. At this time, you require less heavy oils than the Vata person., but will greatly benefit from almond, apricot kernel oil. Apart from women with hot flashes or out-of-balance fire, Pittas can now use less coconut oil, as in your Face to Grace Pitta cream, as well as coconut milk in your diet. Massaging with grapeseed oil before your shower in the morning could add much to your comfort.
The well lubricated Kapha skin
If you have an Earth constitution, you skin is probably not too affected yet by the change of season since your skin typically is well oleated. But you may see it coming, so look at using a soap that is less astringent and applying your summer moisturizer twice a day instead of once. You may also start thinking about a richer one for the coming months. While the summer Face to Grace Kapha moisturizer for this constitution is usually made mostly of lighter oils such as grapeseed or rice bran oil, I tend to also add some sesame and/or almond oil to feed the skin more deeply during the cold season. And the same goes for fragrant light and warming essential oils such as orange and eucalyptus that will add extra comfort. Avoid alcohol-based cleansers which, in the long run, cause sagging pores and loss of tone.
Balance your elements at each change of season
Another way to moisten tissues in preparation for the harshest season is to do one or all of the Purification of the senses, the first five treatments in the pancha karma detox and rejuvenation process. How?
These treatments each bring impressive benefits, by both detoxifying the tissues and nourrishing them.
The nose or nasya treatment increases the power of your breath and sense of smell. As the quality and quantity of your oxygen intake improves, head and neck tissues are rejuvenated and your skin becomes more radiant. Nasya treatment can help cure allergies, congestion, the common cold, vascular headaches, migraines, chronic sinusitis, and asthma. One client was commenting recently that her combined nasya and mouth treatment definitely helped her breathe more deeply and increased her concentration when studying.
The eyes treatment (karma purana) improves their shine and vision by adding moisture to the optic nerve and reduces pressure inside the eye. That last benefit is greatly appreciated by those with glaucoma. Another major benefit is that it prevents wrinkles and soothes existing ones.
The mouth treatment (akshitarpana) revitalizes your tongue, gums and sense of taste, fights bad breath and removes wrinkles from the cheeks.
The ear treatment (gandus) eases mental and emotional stresses in addition to improving the sense of hearing. It also reduces the frequency of frowning during concentration, thus preventing wrinkles. During the treatment itself, you may hear your own heartbeat, one of the most soothing sounds one can hear.
The forehead treatment (shirodara) is a relaxing massage with a fine stream of warm oil on your forehead. It increases intelligence, longevity and memory, while strengthening the adrenals and the immune system. There are marvellous side benefits for all types of hair, including a reduction of dry scalp and dandruff.
Call Samyukta at 613-729-2084 to book one or a combination of these treatments.
Recipe - Gentle exfoliant
Mix 1 tablespoon of chickpea flower
1 tablespoon of almond flower
1 teaspoon of powdered oatmeal
1/4 teaspoon of your favourite ground spice (eg. cumin, fennel; if you like cinnamon, use only a pinch as it is
1 tablespoon of almond flower
1 teaspoon of powdered oatmeal
1/4 teaspoon of your favourite ground spice (eg. cumin, fennel; if you like cinnamon, use only a pinch as it is
quite strong - to be avoided by Pitta)
And blend in warm yogourt, oil or filtered water (chlorine in tap water is drying). Kaphas will enjoy using lemon or lime juice or yogurt.
And blend in warm yogourt, oil or filtered water (chlorine in tap water is drying). Kaphas will enjoy using lemon or lime juice or yogurt.
Enquire about the upcoming Practical Awakening (English) course, the Make Your Own Shampoo and the "Orange to Zap your creativity workshops. In October, the Afternoon Beauty Club will focus on strategies to adress concerns about drying skin.
In service,
great move,
ReplyDeletewhen is healing nigth
Wow, thank you. Did not expect to get such a quick response! Healing Night is on Oct. 23rd, 7 to 9 pm, 36 Simcoe, Ottawa.